If you’re self-hosting Typebot, sponsoring me is a great way to give back to the community and to contribute to the long-term sustainability of the project. Thank you for supporting independent creators of Free Open Source Software!

Parameters marked with * are required.


DATABASE_URL *The database URL
ENCRYPTION_SECRET *A 256-bit key used to encrypt sensitive data. It is strongly recommended to generate a new one. The secret should be the same between builder and viewer.
NEXTAUTH_URL *The builder base URL. Should be the publicly accessible URL (i.e. https://typebot.domain.com)
NEXT_PUBLIC_VIEWER_URL *The viewer base URL. Should be the publicly accessible URL (i.e. https://bot.domain.com)
ADMIN_EMAILThe email that will get an UNLIMITED plan on user creation. The associated user will be able to bypass database rules. You can provide multiple emails separated by a comma without spaces.
NEXTAUTH_URL_INTERNALThe internal builder base URL. You have to set it only when NEXTAUTH_URL can’t be reached by your builder container / server. For a docker deployment, you should set it to http://localhost:3000.
DEFAULT_WORKSPACE_PLANFREEDefault workspace plan on user creation or when a user creates a new workspace. Possible values are FREE, STARTER, PRO, LIFETIME, UNLIMITED. The default plan for admin user is UNLIMITED
DISABLE_SIGNUPfalseDisable new user sign ups. Invited users are still able to sign up.
NEXT_PUBLIC_ONBOARDING_TYPEBOT_IDTypebot ID used for the onboarding. Onboarding page is skipped if not provided.
DEBUGfalseIf enabled, the server will print valuable logs to debug config issues.
NEXT_PUBLIC_BOT_FILE_UPLOAD_MAX_SIZELimits the size of each file that can be uploaded in the bots (i.e. Set 10 to limit the file upload to 10MB)

Email (Auth, notifications)

Used for sending email notifications and authentication

SMTP_HOSTSMTP host. (i.e. smtp.host.com)
NEXT_PUBLIC_SMTP_FROMFrom name and email (i.e. 'Typebot Notifications' <notifications@host.com>)
SMTP_SECUREfalseIf true the connection will use TLS when connecting to server. If false (the default) then TLS is used if server supports the STARTTLS extension. In most cases set this value to true if you are connecting to port 465. For port 587 or 25 keep it false
SMTP_AUTH_DISABLEDfalseTo disable the authentication by email but still use the provided config for notifications

Google (Auth, Sheets, Fonts)

Used authentication in the builder and for the Google Sheets integration step.

GOOGLE_CLIENT_IDThe Client ID from the Google API Console
GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRETThe Client secret from the Google API Console
NEXT_PUBLIC_GOOGLE_API_KEYThe API Key from the Google API Console

GitHub (Auth)

Used for authenticating with GitHub. By default, it uses the credentials of a Typebot-dev app.

You can create your own GitHub OAuth app here. The Authorization callback URL should be $NEXTAUTH_URL/api/auth/callback/github

GITHUB_CLIENT_IDApplication client ID. Also used to check if it is enabled in the front-end
GITHUB_CLIENT_SECRETApplication secret

GitLab (Auth)

Used for authenticating with GitLab. Follow the official GitLab guide for creating OAuth2 applications here. The Authorization callback URL should be $NEXTAUTH_URL/api/auth/callback/gitlab

GITLAB_CLIENT_IDApplication client ID. Also used to check if it is enabled in the front-end
GITLAB_CLIENT_SECRETApplication secret
GITLAB_BASE_URLhttps://gitlab.comBase URL of the GitLab instance
GITLAB_REQUIRED_GROUPSComma-separated list of groups the user has to be a direct member of, e.g. foo,bar
GITLAB_NAMEGitLabName of the GitLab instance, used for the SSO Login Button

Facebook (Auth)

You can create your own Facebook OAuth app here. The Authorization callback URL should be $NEXTAUTH_URL/api/auth/callback/facebook

FACEBOOK_CLIENT_IDApplication client ID. Also used to check if it is enabled in the front-end

Azure AD (Auth)

If you are using Azure Active Directory for the authentication you can set the following environment variables. The Authorization callback URL should be $NEXTAUTH_URL/api/auth/callback/azure-ad

AZURE_AD_CLIENT_IDApplication client ID
AZURE_AD_CLIENT_SECRETApplication client secret. Can be obtained from Azure Portal.

Custom OAuth Provider (Auth)

CUSTOM_OAUTH_NAMECustom OAuthProvider name. Will be displayed in the sign in form.
CUSTOM_OAUTH_WELL_KNOWN_URLOAuth .well-known URL (i.e. https://auth.domain.com/.well-known/openid-configuration)
CUSTOM_OAUTH_USER_ID_PATHidUsed to map the id from the user info object
CUSTOM_OAUTH_USER_NAME_PATHnameUsed to map the name from the user info object
CUSTOM_OAUTH_USER_EMAIL_PATHemailUsed to map the email from the user info object
CUSTOM_OAUTH_USER_IMAGE_PATHimageUsed to map the image from the user info object
CUSTOM_OAUTH_SCOPEopenid profile emailOAuth scope

For *_PATH parameters, you can use dot notation to access nested properties (i.e. account.name).

The Authorization callback URL should be: $NEXTAUTH_URL/api/auth/callback/custom-oauth

S3 Storage (Media uploads)

Used for uploading images, videos, etc… It can be any S3 compatible object storage service (Minio, Digital Oceans Space, AWS S3…)

S3_ACCESS_KEYS3 access key. Also used to check if upload feature is enabled
S3_SECRET_KEYS3 secret key.
S3_BUCKETtypebotName of the bucket where assets will be uploaded in.
S3_PORTS3 Host port number
S3_ENDPOINTS3 endpoint (i.e. s3.domain.com).
S3_SSLtrueUse SSL when establishing the connection.
S3_REGIONS3 region.
S3_PUBLIC_CUSTOM_DOMAINIf the final URL that is used to read public files is different from S3_ENDPOINT

Note that for AWS S3, your endpoint is usually: s3.<S3_REGION>.amazonaws.com

In order to function properly, your S3 bucket must be configured. Make sure to read through the S3 configuration doc.

Giphy (GIF picker)

Used to search for GIF. You can create a Giphy app here


Unsplash (image picker)

Used to search for images. You can create an Unsplash app here


Tolgee (i18n contribution dev tool)

If you’d like to join contribute to Typebot’s translation join the Discord server and ask for an access to Tolgee in the #contributors channel.

Set up these environment variables to enable Tolgee dev tool.

NEXT_PUBLIC_TOLGEE_API_URLhttps://tolgee.server.baptistearno.comThe Tolgee API base URL

WhatsApp (Preview)

In order to be able to test your bot on WhatsApp from the Preview drawer, you need to set up a WhatsApp business app.

META_SYSTEM_USER_TOKENThe system user token used to send WhatsApp messages
WHATSAPP_PREVIEW_FROM_PHONE_NUMBER_IDThe phone number ID from which the message will be sent
WHATSAPP_PREVIEW_TEMPLATE_NAMEThe preview start template message name
WHATSAPP_PREVIEW_TEMPLATE_LANGenThe preview start template message name
WHATSAPP_CLOUD_API_URLhttps://graph.facebook.comThe WhatsApp Cloud API base URL


The official Typebot managed service uses other services such as Stripe for processing payments, Sentry for tracking bugs and Sleekplan for user feedbacks.

The related environment variables are listed here but you are probably not interested in these if you self-host Typebot.